Compute the widths of strings in display terminal "cells" of horizontal space. Intuitionally, a plain ASCII character takes up one cell. Certain grapheme clusters may take up -1 (e.g. backspace), 0 (e.g. escape sequences), 1, or 2 (e.g. emoji) cells.

ANSI escape sequences are stripped by default. This can be disabled by setting the includeANSI option. Escape sequences that are paired with a start sequence and a stop sequence will be processed much more gracefully than individual sequences (e.g. cursor movements) or overlapping pairs.






  • get isCJK(): boolean
  • Is the context for ambiguous East Asian Width code points CJK?

    Returns boolean

  • get locale(): string
  • Resolved locale for grapheme segmentation.

    Returns string


  • Break a string into multiple parts, such that each part has maximum cell length of width, unless a particular grapheme cluster is longer than width. Therefore, width should probably be 4 or higher to get the expected results.


    • str: string

      String to segment

    • width: number

      Maximum number of display cells for chunks

    Returns WidthBreak[]

  • Yield each segment of the input string as a separate substring.


    • str: string

    Returns Generator<string, undefined, undefined>

  • How many display cells does the given string take up? Accounts for EastAsianWidth, Emoji, combining characters, regional indicators (flags), backspaces


    • str: string

      String to count

    Returns number